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SPACENMIND Professional Organizer

Getting organized is a sign of self-respect

Gabrielle Bernstein

“You are a clean freak”, “you are cleaning all day long, let’s go for a walk”, “how is it possible that everything is always so clean and tidy with you?”, “you must definitely teach me how to organize the house as quickly as you do it “,” your office desk looks like an organization guide”…

I’ve heard all the above phrases so many times- from early childhood and even until today. And you know, it always seemed to me that there was nothing supernatural in this – when I look at a mess, I don’t see it, I see how and where it can be decomposed, so that it would be convenient and aesthetically beautiful. And yes, I am exactly the person who enjoys the clutter, because I have the opportunity to get rid of it and turn the space from “ugly duckling into a beautiful swan”.

Over the years I found usage for my addictions and now I not only organize my home, but also help others.

I am Professional Organizer

So, let me introduce myself again, my name is Aigul and I am a PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER.

I will help you to reduce stress, save some money and free up time for yourself, your loved ones, relatives and friends. Because when you organize your space, you organize your life, declutter (literally and figuratively), create order and get rid of chaos. And all these things bring an organized system into your life that works for your benefit! And my little organizational tricks, which I will be happy to share with you, will become your assistants and make it possible to maintain your order.

Your home should be at your service, not you at the service of your home.


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